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Posts published by “Holly Vogtman”

Staff Writer

Strict Baltimore curfews are no help to citizens

When the word “curfew” starts buzzing around Baltimore, it stirs memories of this year’s riots. A strict curfew was enforced for all non-essential personnel from…

Advice for advising

The middle of October is a difficult month for students, as they are preparing for, or finishing up, their midterm exams and are just starting…

U.S. emigrates away from Syrian crisis

Syria is experiencing a mass exodus of citizens due to the current war-torn state of their country. Other Middle Eastern and European nations are stepping…

Halt and catch coding

General education courses at UMBC are a necessary evil. Every undergraduate student has to endure these before graduation, but while students are forced to take…

Fighting crushing student debt and tuition

Resolutions and changes in tuition work to improve students’ financial situations during college College students are graduating with thousands of dollars of debt hanging over…

Dangers of an armed campus

Some universities are motioning for guns on campus to protect against sexual assault Ten states across the country currently have lawmakers working to create bills…

AP US History is not “American” enough

Oklahoma House Education Committee votes to change and potentially ban AP US History test A bill was approved by an education committee in Oklahoma earlier…